@section('title', 'About')
The Group’s origin lies in the opening of the Mediclinic in 1987 with just a single doctor that was later upgraded to be the ADK Medical Centre in 1992. The ADK Hospital, the first private hospital in the country was opened in 1996 The ADK Group is today the leading medical and pharmaceutical company, operating the largest private hospital as well as the major supplier of pharmaceuticals and range of medical equipment in the country.
Through excellence in all aspects of the Group’s business activities, the ADK Group will meet customer requirements with value added products and services of high quality and with honesty and integrity, while developing mutually rewarding relationships with employees, partners, and suppliers. The Group will ensure highest ethical and professional standards with corporate social responsibility remaining a high priority.
Commitment to innovation and diversification in an ethically and socially responsible environment.
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The ADK Group’s success today belies its modest beginnings. Its origins lie in the small health clinic and a pharmaceutical shop that began as a partnership with late Hassan Ibrahim, my brother-in-law, and my close friend late Dr. Pandian, as the sole doctor in the clinic.
Over the years, the ADK Group has strived, sometimes through seemingly insurmountable odds to overcome many and varied challenges. Though the genesis of ADK may lie in the ‘one-step ahead’ private health care services in the Maldives, today the ADK Group is a very successful conglomeration of numerous and varied business activities and humanitarian services.
Throughout the many ups and downs of the ADK Group, my inspiration and constant source of strength had always been my beloved father, late Abdul Rahman Dhonkaleyfaan, from whose name the acronym ADK is derived. His passing away in late 2015 is not only a keenly felt personal loss as mentor and guide, but has left a huge void in the wider ADK Group.
Success is never the result of just one person. The dedicated staff of ADK, both local and foreign, has been instrumental in raising the level of service rendered by the ADK Group to be maintained at the highest standards at all times.
ADK Group is always firmly committed to extending to you the highest quality of service when you most need it, even while expanding and diversifying its interests and activities into new ventures.